Friday, November 21, 2008

Top 3 Products on Building Wind and Solar Energy Generators

Top 3 Products On How To Build Your Own Wind And Solar Energy Generators

We've tried for every product that teaches how to build your own solar and energy generators. And there are dozens of those...

After a closer examination of each of these products, we determined the top three products to spare you from months of research.

Here it is:

#1 Home Made Energy

In our opinion this is the best product if you're interested in building a solar panel or a wind mill to produce electricity.

The instructions are very straight-forward. Anyone could be a renewable energy generator following these.

Plus I like the simplicity of the guide. They are clear, yet very concise, without leaving any stones unturned.

If you want to buy a DIY guide for solar and wing energy generators, then look no further. You've found the perfect match for your needs.

And everything at a steal of a price.

Click Here To Get To The Home Made Energy Website

#2 DIY Power System

This is the runner up.

Not only you learn about solar and wind generators, but you also discover how to build your own batteries to store electricity and even build your own home.

Although this product is more expensive, it delivers tremendous value for the price.

Everything is clearly explained and anyone can start putting the guides into practice right away.

If you are not only interested in renewable energy generators and want to build batteries, make biofuel (for your car) or even build a house, this is a great product.

It's our #2 choice and it's highly recommended as well.

Click Here To Get To The DIY Power System Website

#3 Earth 4 Energy

Earth4Energy is a very popular product and for a good reason: it gives great instructions for building solar and wind generators and also batteries.

Although we recommend this product as well, the details of the Earth 4 Energy guide is not a match for the Home Made Energy guide.

Home Made Energy is just on another level, although Earth4Energy is a fine product and you can't go wrong with it.

We recommend this as a #3 choice.

Click Here To Get To The Earth 4 Energy Website


With Home Made Energy you simply can't go wrong.

Try it right away. You will see the difference on your energy bill from the first month.

Click Here To Get To Our's Top Pick Product Official Website

Living The Green Energy Home Dream

With all the advances in green energy technology, it is easier than ever to start converting your home into a green energy home. A green energy home utilizes renewable resources to provide electricity, hot water, heat and peace of mind.

There are several ways to implement your green energy home plan. The first is solar energy. In a green energy home you can install solar hot water panels which heat and store water for use and you can install solar panels, which use photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity. These systems can be pricing if purchasing them and having them installed by a professional, but there are many great resources available to build your own solar panels and solar hot water systems that can reduce the cost greatly.

If you are just building your home, a great way to make it a green energy home is to implement passive solar design during construction. This means taking advantage of south facing sides of the house for heating and cooling. By installing lots of highly efficient windows and heat retaining bricks and stone on your south facing areas, you are taking advantage of passive solar techniques to develop your green energy home.

Another addition to the green energy home would be a windmill. Windmills are used to generate electricity from the renewable resource wind. Windmills can be installed on rooftops or in yards and offer pollution free electric. Windmills can be purchased from retailers or there are a wide variety of affordable kits available for the motivated do-it-yourselfers to handle the implementation of their own green energy home plans.

If you have a stream on your property, you may also add to the efficiency of your green energy home with hydroelectric power. This is also a great pollution free option that is easy to maintain and works as long as there is water available.

The ultimate green energy home would combine all of these resources. By using wind, water and solar to generate electricity you are looking not only at huge savings and possible profits from your electricity usage, but you would truly be green as each of these options contributes little to global warming. To further combine passive solar design and solar hot water systems, you are reducing your energy needs exponentially and truly living the dream of going green.

A green energy home doesn’t require more maintenance than traditional homes. Solar technologies require little to no maintenance and wind and water turbines require only regular oiling for peak performance. There is no better time to learn how to make solar power and start living your dreams in green.

Benefits of Green Solar Energy

To truly understand the benefits of green solar energy, you must first understand how solar energy is harnessed. There are two types of green solar energy-thermal and light. Thermal energy is considered passive solar. This type of green solar energy is harnessed through the design and materials used to construct a building. By integrating south facing windows and materials that retain heat, like brick and stone, you can lower your energy needs and build an energy efficient structure. The thermal energy produced by green solar energy is also used to heat water for solar hot water systems. The rays of the sun also produce light and radiation that can be captured by solar panels to create electricity.

The most popular use of green solar energy is for saving money. Although green solar energy systems can come with a large initial investment, they generally pay for themselves in a few years by providing either supplemental electricity or all of the electricity to your home or business. Building your own solar panels, participating in government refunds and net metering, in which you sell unused electricity back to the power company, can reduce the cost of implementing a green solar energy system. In addition, green solar energy systems require little to no maintenance after installation, as most have no moving parts.

The most important benefit of utilizing green solar energy is completely environmental. With polar ice caps dwindling away and climate changes creating tragic storms world wide, it is increasingly obvious that steps must be taken to decrease global warming and our dependence on fossil fuels. Green solar energy provides a clean energy alternative as it creates little pollution and does not contribute to global warming.

Green solar energy systems can be used by homes and businesses alike. If going solar cannot meet all of your energy needs, it can certainly reduce them. Utilizing homemade solar power can save you money, but it’s greatest benefit is to the environment and our future.

What Are Green Energy Sources

Many homeowners today are looking into integrating green energy sources for developing more energy efficient homes and businesses. A green energy source is power generated through renewable resources, such as the sun, wind and water. The other benefit of green energy sources is their low contribution to global warming, pollution and other environmental issues.

The most popular of green energy sources is the sun. Energy captured from the sun is called solar energy. Of the green energy sources, solar energy is the most popular because it offers multiple options for use. It is possible to harness electrical energy from the sun using solar panels consisting of photovoltaic cells that convert energy from the sun into electricity you can use in your home or business. There are also solar hot water collectors that use the heat of the sun to produce hot water. These solar green energy sources are readily available and increasing in popularity as most homes and businesses can have them mounted on their roof and they can take advantage of lowered utility costs.

The most efficient of green energy sources is wind. Wind has been used to power water pumps for centuries, but has grown in popularity as a way to supplement home and business electricity needs. Wind is the safest and cleanest of the green energy sources as it produces no pollutants and does not contribute to global warming. Wind energy is harnessed by erecting a turbine that spins in the breeze generating electricity. Unlike the sun, which can be found almost anywhere, in order to utilize wind as a green energy source, you must live in an area where wind is readily available.

Water is also a viable participant of green energy sources. Water is less widely used as a green energy source for homes, as not all homes have an available stream to produce the needed electricity. The Amish have used water to power entire shops using conveyer belt systems, so it is an old practice, but it is still being used successfully today. As with solar and wind energy, energy harnessed from moving water is almost completely pollutant free and is generated from a renewable resource.

Green energy sources are available for use to combat global warming, our dependence on fossil fuels and to lower our monthly budget. Investing in homemade solar panels for your home and business needs can add dollars to your wallet and years to the life of our Earth.